
Mark Mattes serves as Professor of Philosophy and Religion at Grand View College in Des Moines, Iowa, and previously served parishes in Gardner, Illinois, and Antigo, Wisconsin.  He holds a Ph.D. from The University of Chicago, an M.Div. from Luther Seminary and a BA from St. Olaf College, where he was also elected to Phi Beta Kappa.  Mattes has authored The Role of Justification in Contemporary Theology, co-authored Imaging the Journey, co-translated Theology the Lutheran Way by Oswald Bayer, co-edited the collected papers of Gerhard Forde, A More Radical Gospel and The Preached God. He serves on the Board of Theta Alpha Kappa, the national honor society for Theology/Religious Studies and edits Lutheran Quarterly and Logia: A Journal of Lutheran Theology.

Note: Biographical information was updated as of the latest contribution. Author profiles may not reflect author's current employment or location.
