Marilyn Salmon is professor of New Testament at United Theological Seminary of the Twin Cities in St. Paul, MN. She is an Associate Priest at St. Clement’s Episcopal Church in St. Paul where she preaches regularly. Salmon is involved in Jewish Christian relations and has served on the Advisory Board of the Jay Philips Center for Jewish Christian Learning for many years. Her recent publications include: contributions to Homiletics (July 2011, March 2012); New Proclamation Year C, 2006-2007; and Advent through Holy Week (Fortress, 2006). Her book, Preaching without Contempt: Overcoming Unintended Anti-Judaism, was published by Augsburg Fortress in 2006.
Marilyn Salmon es profesora del Nuevo Testamento en United Theological Seminary of the Twin Cities en Saint Paul, MN. Ella es sacerdote asociado en Saint Clement’s Episcopal Church en Saint Paul donde predica con frecuencia. Salmon participa en relaciones judías-cristianas y ha sido miembro del consejo consultivo del Jay Philips Center for Jewish Christian Learning por muchos años. Sus publicaciones recientes incluyen: contribuciones a Homiletics (julio 2011, marzo 2012); New Proclamation Year C, 2006-2007; y Advent through Holy Week (Fortress, 2006). Su libro, Preaching without Contempt: Overcoming Unintended Anti-Judaism, se publicó por Augsburg Fortress en 2006.
Note: Biographical information was updated as of the latest contribution. Author profiles may not reflect author's current employment or location.