
El Rev. Louis E. Colon es un ministro de la Iglesia Metodista Libre que reside en Rochester, NY desde 1991. Es graduado de la Universidad Mundial (BA), de la Universidad de Phoenix (MA en Educación), del Northeastern Seminary (MA en Artes Teológicas), y del Colgate Rochester Crozer Divinity School (DMin). Su pasión es promover la lectura entusiasta y el estudio riguroso de la Biblia.

El Rev. Louis E. Colon es puertorriqueño. Está felizmente casado y tiene tres hijos y una hija, todos adultos, y es abuelo de ocho nietos y nietas.

The Rev. Louis E. Colon is a Puerto Rican living in the U.S. I have credentials from the Free Methodist Church. I teach preaching, Old Testament Survey and New Testament Survey at Northeastern Seminary (NES). Besides teaching at the certificate program in NES, I am a volunteer pastor at our church, Edgewood Free Methodist Church in Rochester, NY. I travel frequently to Puerto Rico where I preach and teach at various churches. I am happily married, a happy father of 4, and currently a happy grandfather of 8.

Note: Biographical information was updated as of the latest contribution. Author profiles may not reflect author's current employment or location.
