
Since retiring in 2001 as Professor of Old Testament at Luther Seminary, James Limburg has filled in as a visiting professor of Old Testament at Pacific Lutheran Seminary, in Berkeley, California; Luther Seminary, in St. Paul, Minnesota, and United Seminary in New Brighton, Minnesota. For five winter seasons he was Guest Pastor at Living Waters Lutheran Church in North Port, Florida. He continues to teach and preach in a  variety of churches throughout Minnesota. Recent books include The Psalms (Westminster John Knox, 2000), Encountering Ecclesiastes (Eerdmans, 2006) and The Other Woman (Zion, 2006). He has also contributed to (Luther Productions), and the Lutheran Study Bible (Augsburg). His most recent publication is an essay on James, “It’s Not Easy Being James” in Word and World 35 (Summer, 2015). The Limburgs divide their residence between a home on Woman Lake and an apartment in Rochester, Minnesota.

Note: Biographical information was updated as of the latest contribution. Author profiles may not reflect author's current employment or location.
