
El Rev. Dr. Gregory L. Cuéllar es Profesor Asociado de Antiguo Testamento en el Seminario Teológico Presbiteriano de Austin. La investigación del Dr. Cuéllar se centra en temas como la Biblia y la migración, poscolonialismo, museos bíblicos, poder imperial y raza. Ha escrito tres libros y docenas de ensayos, académicos y generales. Sus dos libros más recientes son: Resacralizing the Other at the US-Mexico Border (“Resacralizando al otro en la frontera México-EEUU”), publicado por Routledge en 2020 y Empire, the British Museum, and the Making of the Biblical Scholar in the Nineteenth Century Archival Criticism (“Imperio, el Museo Británico y la fabricación del especialista en Biblia en la crítica de archivos del siglo diecinueve”), publicado por Palgrave en 2019. El Dr. Cuéllar y su esposa Nohemi Cuéllar son cofundadores del proyecto Arte de Lágrimas: Refugee Artwork Project ( A través de arte original, este proyecto busca fomentar la conciencia pública sobre la experiencia de buscadores de asilo, migrantes y refugiados.

As a biblical scholar, Gregory L. Cuéllar has spent much of his career not just exploiting the creative ambiguities of the disciplinary borderlands but crossing them as well. Much of his research represents a commitment to disciplinary interference, focusing on topics like migration and the Bible, national museums and orientalism, immigration detention and religion, migrant art and biblical poetry. He has been a visiting scholar at the Centre on Migration, Policy, and Society (COMPAS) and the Centre for Criminology at the University of Oxford.

He is author of Voices of Marginality: Exile and Return in Second Isaiah 40-55 and the Mexican Immigrant Experience (Peter Lang Publishing, 2008), Empire, the British Museum, and the Making of the Biblical Scholar in the Nineteenth Century: Archival Criticism (Palgrave, 2019), and Resacralizing the Other at the US-Mexico Border: A Borderland Hermeneutic (Routledge, 2020).

In terms of advocacy work, he is the co-founder of a refugee artwork project called, Arte de Lágrimas (Art of Tears): Refugee Artwork Project. This project is a traveling art exhibit and archive that aims to create greater public awareness of the lived migratory journeys of asylum-seeking children, youth, and adults.

Note: Biographical information was updated as of the latest contribution. Author profiles may not reflect author's current employment or location.
