Ericka Shawndricka Dunbar (Ph.D., Hebrew Bible, Drew University) is an Assistant Professor of Religion at Baylor University. Her first book, Trafficking Hadassah: Collective Trauma, Cultural Memory, and Identity in the Book of Esther and the African Diaspora (Routledge, 2022) is a dialogical cultural study of sexual trafficking in the book of Esther and during the Transatlantic Slave Trade. She is also a co-editor (with Mitzi Smith and Angela Parker) of Bitter the Chastening Rod”: African American Interpretation in the Age of #BLM, #SayHerName and #MeToo. Lexington Books/Fortress Academic, 2022 and co-editor (with Sidney K. Berman, Paul L. Leshota, Musa W. Dube and Malebogo Kgalemang) of Mother Earth, Mother Africa, and Biblical Studies: Interpretations in the Context of Climate Change. 29 BiAS – Bible in Africa Studies, University of Bamberg Press, 2021. Dunbar is an ordained elder in the Christian Methodist Episcopal Church.
Note: Biographical information was updated as of the latest contribution. Author profiles may not reflect author's current employment or location.