
Douglas S. Avilesbernal was brought into this world by God, prepared by God, and called by God to be a bridge between two different worlds with many different cultures, and two different languages. He has worked at one of our American Baptist camps in NJ as well as several years in leadership with the Xtreme Team.

He is the son of a Missionary Pastor, having been born in Guatemala, Central America. His growth in Christian faith has spanned three decades, several continents, many countries, and the requisite number of schools, culminating in his 2005 Graduation from Eastern Baptist Theological Seminary in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

He was called in July of 2005 to the position of Associate Pastor of Calvary Baptist Church of Norristown, Pennsylvania. Currently pastor Doug serves as the treasurer of the American Baptist Churches Hispanic Caucus, and remains in Norristown where he now works full time as the head pastor.

Note: Biographical information was updated as of the latest contribution. Author profiles may not reflect author's current employment or location.
