
C. Wess Daniels, Ph.D. is the William R. Rogers Director of Friends Center & Quaker Studies at Guilford College. He lives in Greensboro, North Carolina with his wife, Emily and their three children. Prior to teaching at Guilford, Wess was a “released Quaker minister” at Camas Friends Church in Washington.

He recently contributed to the book, “We Cry Justice: Reading the Bible with the Poor People’s Campaign” edited by Liz Theoharis, and is the author of, “Resisting Empire: The Book of Revelation as Resistance” (2019) and “A Convergent Model of Renewal: Remixing The Quaker Tradition in Participatory Culture” (2015).

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Note: Biographical information was updated as of the latest contribution. Author profiles may not reflect author's current employment or location.
