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Results 1-10 of 964 for [ Psalm 23 ]
Commentary on Psalm 23 ubiquitous Psalm 23 has enriched the lives of believers, both Jews and Christians.1 It is so frequently recited in Christian funeral and memorial services (whereas Psalm 90 is more commonly used in the Jewish (...)
Commentary on Psalm 23 the vulnerability of a sheep.1 A sheep is a particularly vulnerable creature, especially when on its own. Sheep need a leader so as not to wander aimlessly, and will follow their leader even into (...)
Commentary on Psalm 23 of us can only hear the first line of the Psalm in the King James Version (KJV): “The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want.1 With a simple metaphor in a concise and (...)
Commentary on Psalm 23 audiences largely unfamiliar with the Bible’s contents are likely to know phrases from Psalm 23 (though whether or not they know what they are hearing is biblical is another question!). Used in countless television (...)
Commentary on Psalm 23 you have never preached on Psalm 23—or if you haven’t preached on it recently—this is the week.1 Why? Glad that you asked. Psalm 23 is one of the cannot-miss texts for living the Christian (...)
Commentary on Psalm 23 ubiquitous Psalm 23 has enriched the lives of believers, both Jews and Christians. It is so frequently recited in Christian funeral and memorial services (whereas Psalm 90 is more commonly used in the Jewish (...)
Commentary on Psalm 23, here you are, wondering whether to take the leap of faith and make Psalm 23 the text for—or at least an important element of—proclamation for the 8th Sunday after Pentecost.1 You may be aware of (...)
Commentary on Psalm 23 of us can only hear the first line of the Psalm in the King James Version (KJV): “The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want.”1 With a simple metaphor in a concise and (...)
Commentary on Psalm 23 preacher needs at least two sermons on Psalm 23: one for funerals, and another for ordinary time.1 Because Psalm 23 is so familiar, we’ll look at it in the particular framework of the lectionary (...)
Commentary on Psalm 23 23 is classified as an Individual Psalm of Thanksgiving. In this type of psalm, singers praise God for God’s goodness in delivering them from various life-threatening situations — illness, oppression, enemy attack, etc. In (...)